Friday, March 24, 2006

#122 - Victory Forge, day 7

I am in line for chow and have a few minutes to write. This is the seventh and final day of Victory Forge. I am in a good mood this morning. Other than a 1 1/2 hour roving guard shift this morning, I had an uneventful CS gas-free sleep last night, and two packets of instant coffee to get me going. The weather is overcast and intermittently drizzing. I've heard that we are going to be here until this evening, though I'm not sure exactly what we'll be doing for the rest of the day.

It still doesn't feel like Victory Forge is "over" yet. I'll just be relieved once we return to the barracks.


It is now 10:37am. We've packed our gear up, and filled in our foxholes. I used my shoveling skills to help others out. What took me about 5 minutes has taken others a few hours. We packed away our gas masks which (hopefully!) means we won't get gassed again out here.

There have been a few girls away in med quarters for several days who just came back. Everyone knows that Penny and Manacles were just feigning illness to get out of the field. Two girls here apparently overhead them planning their deception and are going to write a statement to that effect. These are the two cute girls of the platoon, and usually employ their feminine wiles to get out of trouble. They have been pretty successful all cycle at getting other people to do their bidding, so it will be interesting to see if they get out of this one. I'm betting that nothing will really happen, and they will evade punishment once again.

Bucking just returned from med quarters too. She has a yeast infection, a sinus infection, and a double ear infection... the poor girl. Sounds like a lot of misery.

I just hit up Newman for some maximum dosage Ibuprofen, as I think I inadvertantly packed mine away. We have been trading them back and forth throughout BCT. My foot is still hurting me, and I managed to mess it up even more backfilling these foxholes.


It is 4:30pm, and we have been sitting around now for several hours - hurry up and wait. After lunch we policed the area for trash, and have been idle since. From the sounds of it, we will be sitting around for several more hours in the cold, probably until 8:30pm and the Victory Forge "rite of passage". After that, the company (sans me) will march back 6.5 miles to the barracks. I will ride back unceremoniously on a truck.

The level of boredom here is quite high. I have exhausted any possible interesting opportunities for conversation. Most people are sleeping, or playing hangman in the dirt with sticks. Hopefully chow will be here soon to save me from the ennui.

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