Friday, August 11, 2006

#147 - Last day of class

Today is my last day of class. We have a test this morning that I'm a little nervous about. Apparently it's so hard that the highest anyone has gotten in the last few classes is a 80%... or at least that's what some of the instructors have been saying. The high average I've been trying so hard to maintain will probably take a pretty bad hit.

The class I've had all week has been very difficult, and stressful. I don't feel like I am adequately prepared for what we've been going over in this class. It's an uncomfortable feeling, to say the least.

I'm not very happy because they are keeping us here until August 23rd instead of August 21st for a mandatory graduation ceremony. To be honest, I'm not really that interested in attending an actual graduation. Most of my classmates only want to have their certificate in training, and be let loose...

On Sunday, we will be leaving for Capstone, the final field exercise at AIT. We will return on Thursday. Then we are being kept here until the following Wednesday, even though everything left here (mostly outprocessing) will only take a day. My husband is driving down here next weekend, and then staying until I am released, for a total of five nights in the hotel. Between the hotel, food, fuel, paying for a dogsitter at home, and miscellaneous costs, it will turn into an expensive trip for him. Oh well... at least it is really almost over.

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