Wednesday, January 11, 2006

#47 - Weird dreams

With only a few days before I ship, I shouldn't be surprised that basic training is beginning to infiltrate my dream state. Last night I dreamt that I was in my basic training platoon, and we had been introduced to our Drill Sergeants. The DSs were amazingly passive and laid back, and didn't even show a hint of raising their voices at the recruits. The people in my platoon were very young and quickly took advantage of the laid-back attitude of the Drill Sergeants, and spent their time conversing loudly, fooling around, and showing no military discipline. Through the entire dream, I shuddered inwardly, waiting for the other shoe to drop, and for the real Drill Sergeants to appear and start kicking some ass.

Lol... I suppose the dreams could be worse. I could be getting smoked for 8 hours and not be able to wake up, or suffer a bad dream of being recycled (set back in training). Occasionally one will hear rumors of a recruit who took 9 months to graduate basic training. That would be a true nightmare.

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