Tuesday, January 10, 2006

#46 - Less than a week to go

I'm starting to get a bit nervous about basic. Not being able to run has been tough. I need all the time I can get to prepare, and my foot is still a little sore. I'm sure it will be ok by the time I leave for basic.

It's strange, but in a sense, it still doesn't seem like I'm really leaving for basic training in a few days. I've thought about it for so long, but I suppose the reality hasn't sunk in yet. I'm sure that will happen once I first glimpse the sight of someone in a Drill Sergeant hat coming my way (pictured above - the "brown round" is the style males wear, and the green "aussie" style is worn by female DSs).

I haven't been giving much thought to the potential future deployment of my Reserve unit. I believe I'm so focused on going to BCT right now, that I can't even entertain the notion of dealing with anything afterwards. One thing at a time, I suppose.

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