Part 2 of the packing list: unscented bar of soap in a clear plastic case, 2 travel-sized bottles of Pert shampoo/conditioner, hair pick, small hairbrush, a few bobby pins to control hair (I'll pick up some barrettes in the PX), toothbrush in clear plastic case, dental floss, Q-tips, Toms of Maine toothpaste in "stand up" bottle, deodorant, small nail clippers, one disposable razor, Cat Crap anti-fog/eyeglasses cleaner, birth control pills (will have to bring prescription for Army doctor to represcribe), another Badger lip balm (unscented) and small black toiletries bag. The toiletries bag and the items in the first photo both fit into the black Army DEP bag with plenty of room to spare. The DEP bag will also hold a folder with documents issued by the military as well as personal documents such as my marriage certificate, birth certificate, college transcripts, etc.

I plan on wearing old but comfortable sneakers (that will be thrown away once I buy new ones there), and casual clothing. On my person I will be carrying another 4"x6" Rite-in-the-Rain notebook and an ink pen for writing during my journey. This notebook will also have addresses, phone numbers, some photographs, personal info, etc. I will have a wallet with no more than $50 cash, a driver's license, social security card, ATM/debit card, and phone calling card. I am also bringing an inexpensive Timex military-style watch, as pictured below.

I feel like a nerd posting photos of all of this stuff, but, hey, this is my blog...I can do what I want...lol! Actually it might be helpful for someone reading this in the future who is trying to determine just what they should bring with them to basic training. The key is to go light initially, and purchase what you're lacking later on at the PX or Shoppette on base.
I am also planning to have my husband mail me two packages of items while I'm at basic training. I've already sealed up the boxes, and thought I'd photograph these items too. Package #1 will hopefully be mailed to me as soon as he gets my BCT mailing address. This package includes the items in the photo below: 2 travel-sized packs of handi-wipes, Q-tips, Cat Crap anti-fog eyeglasses cleaner, 1 small bottle of hand sanitizer, 1 Badger lip balm (unscented), a small bottle of Gold Bond powder, and one small bottle of Gold Bond skin lotion (these will hopefully meet the criteria of products not having a strong scent). These items will fit into a small (1/4 or 1/2 size) pack-it-cube, which will also be handy to have later to keep some of the smaller items in my personal drawer together. Additionally, there is a roll of plastic baggies of various sizes, about 30 more prestamped envelopes, 18 postage stamps, more ink pens and a Sharpie, and 6 packs of pocket-sized Kleenex tissue.

Package #2 mostly contains additional items (resupplies) of items in the first package. I will ask my husband to mail this to me later in basic.

Hey, saw you linked to my blog (meta474.blogspot.com) -- I see you're leaving a week after me. Good luck!
That Cat Crap sounds appealing. Way to go on the Badger, though!
Cat Crap is good stuff, though I don't know where they got the name. I'm sure the Drill Sergeants will have fun with this once they're going through my bag during shakedown. "Specialist, what is this CAT CRAP!?!"
Yeah, thanks for pointing me over here again. I'm not bringing nearly this much stuff. :P I read in quite a few journals from this that they make you hit the PX there anyway, so I'm going fairly light. The futuresoldiers.com site had a packing list, following that with a few additions (postage, pre-addressed postcards to quickly get my address to my friends, shower flip-flops). I'll be wering the BCGs, too, but I won't bother getting any anti-fog stuff. Most of the stuff I've used never seems to work anyway.
Five days for me!
I'm adding a few small items to the packing list I posted... Some bobby pins, a very small tin of Burt's Bees hand salve, a magazine and probably a book to read during the journey, and whatever else seems like a good idea to bring. I'll probably ditch the reading material at the airport before the bus takes me on to Fort Jackson... There are about a million things I'd like to bring, but I'm trying to keep it pared to a minimum because I know I won't be able to keep everything.
Here is an update on this post...
What I wished I had brought that wasn't on my list - more than one micro photon flashlight (very handy to have a tiny flashlight the size of a dime dangling from your dog tag chain), more precut moleskin, more pocket-sized Kleenex tissues, tons of cough drops (menthol, non-flavored only...the currency of BCT), and band aids. Some of this stuff was available at the PX/Shoppette, but our visits were few and far between, and sometimes they ran out of items.
I would have also brought along or had someone send me a nice padded helmet band from Ranger Joe's or one of the other vendors. I finally got one of these at AIT and couldn't believe how much more comfortable a cushy one was over the generic ones they issue at BCT. Additionally, I would have brought along more 4"x6" pads of Rite-in-the-Rain paper. These were invaluable for anything from writing notes on what we needed to pack for marches, to scribbling letters home to the hubby. The Rite-in-the-Rain paper held up no matter what weather conditions we had and took abuse a lot better than the little notebooks they sold at the PX.
- Jennifer
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