Saturday, November 19, 2005

#3 - Reasons

I suppose keeping secrets from friends and family has taken its toll. I've been having dreams lately about it. I still don't know if I will break down and tell anyone else before I leave for BCT. How will I explain away a 9-week+ absence? I still haven't figured out all the details.

It's likely that the first thing folks will do when they find out what I've done is to ask why. So... I've come up with a list of answers:

- Being a vet may help me someday in my career and goal of getting a permanent job with the state or federal government. If (more likely, when) I get deployed someday, I might have vet's pref to show for it. I am a seasonal employee of a federal agency now. I love my present employer, though my position is not permanent. When such a slot opens up down the road, I might be in a better standing to compete for that slot as a veteran.

- The job training I will receive in my MOS (military occupational specialty, or job) may be helpful in my civilian career, or will give me something else to fall back on if I decided someday I no longer want to be an Archaeologist. I'm hoping to get an MOS of either Technical Engineer (21T) or Topographic Analyst (21U).

- Getting money for grad school would be great. Being able to come up with that money without asking my husband for help is even better. He does enough for me already, and it would be nice to get this on my own.

- If all goes well during the first enlistment, who knows, maybe I'll reup... perhaps even do 20 years and get a nice pension out of it. Or at the very least, I have some years to combine with other time earned for retirement once I (hopefully) can land a permanent federal job.

- There is a chance I might get some kind of signing bonus. I already told my husband that any extra $ would go right towards bills & paying down debt. I think we're ok financially, but it makes sense to use that money for practical purposes rather than being selfish with it and spending it all on myself.

- Being a soldier is something I've always been interested in. As I child, I preferred playing "Army" over having dolls. There is a part of me that has always wanted to join the military. Those of you who don't believe in reincarnation might scoff at this, but I believe I've been a soldier in many of my past lives. Call me weird, but this seems "right".

- I've always had a lot of respect for veterans and the sacrafices they've made for our country. I'm no fan of the current administration nor its policies, but I've never held anything against military personnel. I've always thought that serving our country in some way, whether it be military or civil service, should be mandatory. I would take a lot of pride in being able to serve, even if my contribution was small.

- This might sound a little odd, but I feel that at this time in my life, I need some kind of challenge. I'm sure completing basic training as an "old woman" will certainly provide that.

- And one of the biggest reasons I want to do this is the fact that I started it before and was never able to finish. Not being able to complete the experience has haunted me for years. This unfinished business has been one of my biggest regrets. I finally have a chance to make things right. Thankfully my husband is being very supportive, and I can go through with it.

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